By Beck Stavely, Thrillist on December 9, 2022
As the art of child-rearing evolves, so should parents’ self-care.
It hasn’t been an easy couple of years for parents out there. Was it ever though? Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, parents tend to put their children’s needs before their own. Time for themselves is the first thing to get cut when the schedule gets tight. However, it’s not possible to pour from an empty cup. One wellness practice more parents have access to with every election: legal cannabis. However, depending on where you live and how your social circles feel about cannabis, you may have not felt comfortable wandering into these greener pastures just yet.
I’m here to tell you, as a parent myself, it’s okay. It’s okay to try cannabis. It’s okay to get back into cannabis. It doesn’t make you a bad parent, and, if you’re anything like me, it might even help you become a better one in the long-term.
– Read the entire article at Thrillist.